A little gift of light to my Sketch community and a long awaited update…
Sketch / SAS News February 2022
Hello beautiful souls, members of the Sketch community past and present,
It’s been a while so I wanted to pop on and say hello…
What little of you may know, and I felt called to share with you today - is that through the highs and lows of running Surrey Art School, since the very beginning and to this day – I have always considered Sketchbook Club and it’s members to be the beating heart of our school.
This, the one we made together, is a coming together of souls all of whom share a deep love and appreciation of / a deep sense of belonging to / the natural world and it’s seasons.
All of us, looking to express this divine connection through creativity.
It’s safe to say that you guys really are ‘my people’.
And so, as I stand at the precipice of an exciting new era over here - a new beginning, both for Surrey Art School and for me, as an Artist – I wanted you, my heart community, to be the first to know how I see this bright new tomorrow unfolding…
Closing the studio as a venue
Firstly after 5 years of running our studio as a venue for workshops and classes, I have decided not to reopen the studio for regular classes. Running this space has been a dream come true, with so many beautiful memories made that I will treasure forever - however it’s time for me to move out of the role ‘venue manager’ and to dream a new dream my friends!
The studio will remain closed as a venue but open on Tuesday mornings during term time from 10:00 to 14:00 for click and collect on our Art Shop.
We’d like to reconnect with you – whether you’re an existing subscriber, used to attend our classes in the past, or are interested in learning more about what we teach and how – it would be so nice to see you at one of our upcoming Socials at Capel Memorial Hall.
Social dates: Tuesday 22nd February & Tuesday 15th March 2022 12:30 to 14:30. Follow the link below to join us for a Social or read on…
What’s on offer:
- Unlimited Tea and biscuits
- Demos from Ellie and a chance to ‘have a go’
- Individual sketchbook advice / feedback and technical support.
- Time to work on your project
What’s it for?
To raise money for Wildlife Aid, reconnect with our local community and friends, to offer inspiration if you’re feeling ‘stuck' creatively. Support and advice from Ellie.
Ellie Green Artist
I’m taking a running jump at something new my friends and it’s thrilling and terrifying in equal measure - as the best things often are.
In life I believe there are two paths we can take - the fated path, the one that seems seems somehow limited to one aspect of the self - or the soul led path - one that embraces all aspects of the self, nurtures each facet of the heart.
On this latter path, I believe that there are hidden gems within us, just waiting to be discovered, awakened…
In order to live a soul led life, we must first let go of the expectations that we have placed upon ourselves, or unwittingly absorbed on our journey through life. In their place we must make space - to be quiet, to listen, to try new things and to explore - only then will these new aspects of ourselves to be revealed.
As we gently peel away the layers of conditioning and allow ourselves the right conditions to flourish - we begin to discover our true talents.
This is the journey I’m on right now and I’ve found that launching my own artist page is already allowing me to express parts of myself that have until now, not had the space to emerge…
Follow my unfolding journey here: https://www.instagram.com/elliegreenartist/
Upcoming Events
As the weather begins to shift and we move ever closer to Spring, it’s time for me to gently poke my nose out from my Winter hibernation and to kick off my seasonal workshops at some stunning venues in and around Surrey. You best hurry though as tickets are moving fast my friends…
I’m back in the woods with The Salt Box come Spring doing my thing with Botanical Watercolours, Mono-Printing and a gorgeous NEW Spring foraging and Botanical Drawing Walk in collab with my dearest Salt Box Beckie. All these events include a delicious lunch and take place in the freshest air!
Mindful Photography at Buckland Park Lake
My workshops at Buckland Park Lake are divinely simple and totally beginner friendly - bring along your Iphone or Android Phone and join me for a beautiful, slow and mindful walk around the lake. Just 1 space left if you’d like to join me in March.
Eggs and Nest Painting at Painshill
A lovely Easter- themed workshop as I return to Painshill Park this Spring, bringing a fun, beginner friendly egg and nest painting tutorial to the table. A lovely mixed-media workshop working with inks, watercolours and some of my very special brushes!
Closing thoughts and a little story…
As you know, I like to reward those of you who reach the end of my words with a little anecdote, a story or some music.
Well today I’m offering all three…
On the VERY last day of a VERY long January that had felt VERY much like wading through treacle…I dusted off my hat and took a train to London to watch the amazing Spells Songs live in concert.
And as I watched Jackie Morris waving her magic paintbrush, hymns of nature swirling around her in notes and song, I was just so deeply moved, inspired and utterly, well, spell-bound.
What inspired me most I think, was witnessing this incredible collaboration between musicians, writers, artists - bringing together their skills in harmony to create an offering with a heartfelt message.
A message of hope to all the ‘silver seekers’ out there, little gifts of light in the rising darkness of the modern day.
I needed that light, that reminder, that moment.
I needed to know that there were others out there, like me, who believed in a better future for our planet, who wanted to be a good ancestor.
And most of all, I needed to know that in order to do this I didn’t need to change a thing - simply wave my magic paintbrush and raise my voice to sing about the things I care about.
If you’re still here, scroll down to the link below to listen to the Lost Words Blessing.
May it inspire you to raise your voice, your magic brush too.
May it spark something in you…
Artwork by : Jackie Morris